Tuesday, 20 November 2007



Evaluative Reaport. Lethaby House, Clapham

Evaluative Report
Lethaby House, Clapham

Nearly two months ago when Unit 2 project started it was ‘celebrated’ with a significant amount of confusion…What? How?...

It is the end of the project and I believe I did my best to achieve the goals.

As I am an architecture pathway student it was crucial for me to link this project to the subject as much as possible. The Lethaby House( new property development) that impressed me with its graciousness and elegancy became the object of my attention. I believe it was extremely important to look at the building’s physical appearance such as the form and materials as well as contextual one such as the initial idea of WHY this specific form and material has been used. It provided me with the additional ‘background’ information that was very useful for my part of the project. As the area of Clapham has been explored by the whole group, it was decided to link every single object/ space to another one that follows. We ended up with a thoughtful, subtle and very well planned game.

As the aim of our game was to EXPERIENCE Clapham by getting involved in various activities that relate to the basic knowledge of the area, I believe it should have been impossible for the players to not to have fun as well. Even though, the area that has been chosen is not that large and does not necessarily have every single object/space suggested on the brief, we managed to make the most out of what we had. The result- pretty crazy and inventive steps to the finish of the game.

The Lethaby House has been a very difficult to find object. By the clue “YOUR 4/7 DESTINATION” that had a relation to the material shop( the clue was found in one of the cupboard drawers) I challenged the players to communicate to the local people as well as use the facilities such as Estate Agencies etc. I believe the search for the building was quite difficult as it is not too close to the other objects/spaces. It has been quite challenging for myself too as the Lethaby House is difficult to enter( security protection).

However, I believe that the struggle to find the RIGHT object/space in the beginning was the result of a poor level of research. If I had a possibility to repeat the game it would not be necessary for me to visit the object/space 3- 4 times( the amount of visits that our group made).

Planning was another essential part that could have been improved by understanding the importance of the detail that has been discovered near the end of the process.

Overall, it has been a successful game, which I believe was quite difficult to play as our, Clapham group focused on the context a lot. The interaction in local organizations as well as the inventiveness in creating fun clues ( e.g. count 90 steps forward to find your next clue…) was enjoyable for me therefore I hope for the other players as well. This game has definitely provided a great knowledge of the area as well as the general understanding of a variety of spaces that surround us.